Sunday, June 03, 2007

How much is an article worth?

This question is raised again and again in connection with Blogs and AdSense. Is the work actually worthwhile itself, if one writes daily articles, or does waste one its time for a few lumpige dollar? How much the own work on the end is worth, primarily contents and the patience decide.

Content is king
One can optimize as much at AdSense rum as one wants, if one does not have the necessary content around numerous visitors to attract, one no high profits will in the long term obtain. Qualitative content is decisive for visitors and to the left of other sides. Because only good content is further-recommended and brings thus Traffic and improves placements in the search machines. The value of an article depends thus on its quality.

Patience in the initial phase
Every beginning is heavy, applies particularly to Blogs. The first year is the hardest for the Blogger and is coined/shaped in principle from small incomes and few visitors. Patience is here the most important factor, since it can take months, until a Website is established. It falls heavily to motivate itself again and again again, particularly if the incomes remain continuously small. However one should beleiben ful and write regularly good articles. Seen the work is worthwhile itself on a long-term basis.

Increase in value of the articles
In the final result the value of each article rises with the time. With the search in the Internet one finds price margins from $5 to $10 per article. The value of an article depends however as previously mentioned on its quality. With consideration of the topicality is an article, which is still worth reading in two years more valuable, than an article over current news, which is uninteresting after some days. A Blog is a Money Making system, which constantly grows and with rising size and age increases in value. So it is to be produced possible with approximately two hours of work daily at a Blog good content and to be let its Blog continuously grow. The incomes come to some time automatically.

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