Sunday, June 03, 2007

How much is an article worth?

This question is raised again and again in connection with Blogs and AdSense. Is the work actually worthwhile itself, if one writes daily articles, or does waste one its time for a few lumpige dollar? How much the own work on the end is worth, primarily contents and the patience decide.

Content is king
One can optimize as much at AdSense rum as one wants, if one does not have the necessary content around numerous visitors to attract, one no high profits will in the long term obtain. Qualitative content is decisive for visitors and to the left of other sides. Because only good content is further-recommended and brings thus Traffic and improves placements in the search machines. The value of an article depends thus on its quality.

Patience in the initial phase
Every beginning is heavy, applies particularly to Blogs. The first year is the hardest for the Blogger and is coined/shaped in principle from small incomes and few visitors. Patience is here the most important factor, since it can take months, until a Website is established. It falls heavily to motivate itself again and again again, particularly if the incomes remain continuously small. However one should beleiben ful and write regularly good articles. Seen the work is worthwhile itself on a long-term basis.

Increase in value of the articles
In the final result the value of each article rises with the time. With the search in the Internet one finds price margins from $5 to $10 per article. The value of an article depends however as previously mentioned on its quality. With consideration of the topicality is an article, which is still worth reading in two years more valuable, than an article over current news, which is uninteresting after some days. A Blog is a Money Making system, which constantly grows and with rising size and age increases in value. So it is to be produced possible with approximately two hours of work daily at a Blog good content and to be let its Blog continuously grow. The incomes come to some time automatically.

What distinguishes a SEO?

What distinguishes a SEO? If one wants to provide a Website today, to make will even the beginners turn out for search engine optimization. Thus some calls themselves fast as SEO, because they read a small beginner Guide. But what distinguishes a correct SEO now? On fob marketing I found a small list, which is surely not yet complete, but gives a good overview:
A genuine SEO reads much.
- A genuine SEO writes much.
- A genuine SEO is an honour man. He pray-reprimands neither partners nor customer still search engine.
- A genuine SEO administers several to many WebSites - depending upon project size.
- A genuine SEO works with search engines-unfit Web systems.
- A genuine SEO familiarly on optimized CMS. “Only the house, then the garden.”
- A genuine SEO optimizes always “cleanly and risk-free”. He adheres to Google guidelines.
- A genuine SEO () avoids Flash, JavaScripte, FrameSets, Spam and forwarding sides.
- Used always validen a genuine SEO code. He loves `s table-free, with XHTML and CSS.
- A genuine SEO uses Shop, CMS and Blog systems with speaking URLs.
- A genuine SEO hates “link thieves” and “Spammer”.
- A genuine SEO optimizes WebSites with genuine content. He knows that contents determine the value.
- A genuine SEO processes daily a multiplicity of information - public and for itself.
- A genuine SEO white the proverb “time is to be appreciated money”.
- A genuine SEO is a professional Texter for Internet.
- A genuine SEO needs a good Spam filter.
- A genuine SEO uses RSS distributors, in order to be able to process pieces of news faster.
- A genuine SEO reads from time to time in forums and gets themselves regularly (s) matt a Cutts (Google) updates.
- A genuine SEO works professionally. A SEO brings money and has its price.
- A genuine SEO can punish hard. Who pray-reprimands it, pays a high price.
- To differentiate a genuine SEO white between genuine and manipulated (worthless) left.
- A genuine SEO uses a “nofollow attribute” only rarely. It uses it goal-adequately.
- A genuine SEO estimates PAGE-climbs only for aesthetic reasons, not because he needs him.
- A genuine SEO does know competitors.

Saturday, May 05, 2007

The 10 requirements of Google

The people of Google are not good only, them have also your principles. And those are suited, if also not completely, quite as model. Here as free, subjective translation:

1. Concentrate you on the user, the remainder comes from alone.
2. Do what you can do best - correctly.
3. Fast is better than slow.
4. Democracy in the Web is feasible.
5. You do not have to sit at your desk, in order to need an answer.
6. You can make money, without being common.
7. There are more to find still somewhat there outside.
8. The need after information is global.
9. You can be serious also without suit.
10. Greatly enough are simply not good.

The original
1. Focus on the user and all else wants follow.
2. It's best tons of DO one thing really, really wave.
3. Nearly is more better than slow.
4. Democracy on the Web works.
5. You don't need tons RK your desk tons need at to who.
6. You CAN make money without doing evil.
7. There's always more information out there.
8. The need for information of crosses all borders.
9. You CAN serious without A suit.
10. Great just isn't good enough.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Social media optimization gives your on-line business extra increase

Social media optimization is not anything however the different methods, which form for a site to the visitors on the net accessible easily, are used. After, at this Internet age is immediate information and satisfaction, which accessible people can make out and the faster visitors your website, that, you on the net the popular are. Finally search engine optimization is completely popular over on the net and if you can do it really well, it is an enormous increase for your product. There are some means, which can to be introduced for doing the social central optimization and this do for you are very crucial, if you are really serious over the success of your enterprise.

Some of the ways, by which you can introduce social media optimization for your on-line business in this article, are discussed. The links of website to increase are one of the simplest and best means, so that you go over the increase of your net popularity. Its connects with other relevant web site and also websites.

Large contents on website to have are not enough. You must take up means and you, in order to make sure that contents travel really fast to the relevant places on the net. There are many websites, which are on a view for free contents on the net and you can let such websites your contents use, under the condition that places it a connection for website to the order. Like that it is very important to write articles and contents the different kinds of the readers please, because the net offers to a very broad public.

Inbound links increases, since this is a thing, which on a priority basis for social central optimization each on-line business of website must be taken place. Blogs for website to write is a large way of the increase inbound links of website on the net. The number is successful actually inbound links of the parameters for its on the net. All your operational funds dedicate themselves in such a way, if you introduce these things, since this reliably on-line-undertake yours to unexpected heights takes.

The philosophy is to optimize on-line business a website in such a way so that website is connected with other website, which is more visible in the social central search category. When undertaking the social central optimization, you must hold in the understanding that each business has different necessities and requirements. And consequently you must know your business requirements. Your business can become a success history, only if you consider your business requirements completely.

Search engine optimization constantly grows and step with these to hold changes you must in the melody with all these things be. Social means, the optimization the newest occurring to this is, catches. Before you go over the enterprise of the social central optimization for your website, examine, whether you know exactly, what this is completely approximate and which all things you for popularizing your on-line business website on the net to do to have. Social central optimization has the capacity to give an enormous increase to your business.

Monday, April 09, 2007

5 factors for successful web sites

Success factor #1: The accessibility
Search engines must be able to reach Websites. If a search engine cannot scan a site, this is ignored. A high Ranking is impossible thereby. Web servers should not return error codes, if they are visited by them. Also the HTML code may not contain errors, which prevent an indicating of the sides. Contents must be meaningful for search Engines.
Foreign exchange: Never Flash or pictures use, in order to present main contents.

Success factor #2: Information and site structure
Never a Website should arouse the impression of a coincidental lining up on the part of. The sites should be connected content wise and show search engines that the Website is altogether relevant for a certain topic. Also the information structure should be good. Everyone should always know where within the sites it is exactly.

Success factor #3: The correct Keywords
The selection of the correct Keywords represents one of the most important steps within a SEO (Search Engine Optimization) - campaign and decides considerably on their success or failure. For SEO it is best to support itself by two or three Keywords.

Success factor #4: Contents

Websites, which only have good and attractive articles will be in the high rankings.

Success factor #5: Detailed one left

without good, and above all relevant, detailed left are impossible high Rankings with large search engines. One should be always anxious, so many relevant left (see articles: “The end of the Google Bombs”) like having possible. The more left, is the more helpful it is received.

Friday, April 06, 2007

Search engine optimization in former times and today

A frequently asked question: What does one have to do around a side/a Site in the search results (SERPs) upward get, which HTML-cheat use? Let us forget cheat. We do not write the year 1999 to no more. Thus some may not leave perhaps gladly from dear-won habits. But it changed nearly everything fundamentally.

Meta Keywords
Which was once important, it is long no more. The massive denomination of terms already not at all. And only quite not if with the topic of the respective side have to do this nothing. That was considered already in former times as Spam attempt. Meta Keywords are OK ONE however no longer, affect the Ranking.

Meta Description
The description of the side in complete sentences is used, because some search machines use it as expenditure text for the SERPs. On the Ranking they have no more influence. Here as to the Keywords, the possibility for the abuse applies is inserted. But search machines of these days can so easy be out-cheated no longer.

Search engine registration
A classical increase in value for customer, who was offered over many years by numerous Web designers and still becomes. This service is not only unnecessary, but every now and then even harmful. In particular then if via software with particularly many “sarch engine” and lists one announces. The important Search engine do not find the sides of alone, to announce must one to anything. Who wants to supply an increase in value up-to-date, which could consider the production and registration of a Google Sitemap to its customer with? Of it the customer would have actually a use. The Web designer by the way also, who can recognize some errors in this way more easily.

Site optimization against cross linking

Headings, fat words, cheat with containers, tables, positions and invisible colors are at best cosmetic. We call it dear-won habits, nowadays can with it no more Robot be out-lured. It concerns over to something else, i.e. Reputation and confidence. They do not know single sides round-optimize so much you to want, it to you anything will be useful. A Website needs linking, recommendations, listings, mentions and reviews. It can not for itself stand, but must into the Web be merged. Who stands for itself, is lost. Their goal must be appropriate in it for cross-linking reach; screw at single sides brings in nothing.

The principle continues also otherwise, approximately in the Domain naming. Optimal term has the nose in front, if it is already longer time used.

Monday, April 02, 2007

Role of SEO in on-line marketing

On-line marketing, alias Internet marketing, is simply the marketing of the products and the service victims over Internet. With the explosion of the Internets on the scene, nearly each house to your product or service is attached by on-line marketing. You can have a large service or the perfect product and a fantastic web site, but visitor does not guarantee to yours. Like that it is important to receive the Internet marketing right.

On-line marketing comes into different forms - flag ADS, email marketing, paying inclusions, payment per clicking, participant announcing and search engine optimization (SEO). The growth of on-line marketing was refueled largely by the expansion that Internet public and the comfort a customer can in on-line buy to be expressed offered. With the large public out there, you wish so many visitors possible to your website received. This gets us into the realm of SEO, since this is of the main avenues, so that an on-line business tries to increase virtual steps to the site.

Do you let first speak us about SEO - what is it? Simply set, it is the use of an algorithm to improve classifications or successes website in search engine rankings. This is done by an Internet marketer, in order to try to improve the quantity as well as the quality of the visitors to their web site. The concept of the improved quality is also important - it is substantial, right traffic, the people, those after the product or the service, which search you or similar something offers, instead of referring simply occasional allotter of the people, which look for some more. Ideally your SEO strategy with your goal market in the understanding and in the work should work toward for tightening this goal market to the site. Meaning is, since which people key, which looks for a net-regaled tax planning software, does not buy to wedding invitations, even if driven to the web site and is disappointed.

SEO is important, because it covers most key ranges, which announce marketers with on-line to sell and address must - he produces consciousness, leads to acquisition of the customers and transformation of the visitors to the customers and optimizes the marketing efforts to aim to customers.

The value of increased, relevant traffic to the website guarantees most likely increased sales. SEO marketing offers information about your product, if the interest of the visitors is high and, referred to your website, the visitor can into a customer is immediately converted. Most companies establish out their on-line marketing strategies, which hold SEO in the understanding. This is substantial for the success of a marketing plan, since a good SEO plan can be supported by a suitable emailing marketing campaign and other photo receptor of programs.

So the role from SEO is to a successful on-line marketing campaign so vital that it can be considered as a different tactics in itself, but it is best, it a well segment from an organized strategy to be formed. This regard: a mismatching planned SEO can result in the wasted operational funds and optimize factors, which do not connect back to the correct target audience in the center of a to a high degree competing and increasing on-line market. While many SEO experts and marketers can discuss the process to successful SEO (some to say the side connection, something keyword bases, others, which and so on copywriting are), design a thing, which most people agree on, a SEO, which is attached near with your marketing strategy, so that everyone supports the other one.

Friday, March 30, 2007

SEO’s Most Often Asked Questions

When do I need a search engine optimization?

Everyone, which would like to be found by customers in the Internet, should have to be found in the search services. Internet is an outlet, which requires a high measure of orientation ability. Search engines offer this orientation. An optimization of your site is a marketing instrument, which forms an economical and effective measure, also regarding sinking advertising budgets.

How can I expect many new potential customers?

The crucial factor for the success of the optimization is the keywords. We determine these together with you, in order to for you the relevant optimally. We analyze also the search behavior of your potential customers. The selection of the keywords determines the number of visitors and thus the success of the optimization.

When does my search engine optimization seize?

Results can usually recognize you after six to eight weeks. This time is different from search service to search service. Since however some search services react time-delayed to changed sides, it is to be determined not accurately. Beyond that the speed of the results depends on the search words.

How does a search engine evaluate my site?

The evaluation of a site affected via algorithms, each search service has its own. The algorithms are a strictly guarded secret, in order to prevent abuse.

They are adapted and modified in the distance of several weeks. That is necessary, in order to hold with the constantly changing offers step. Also the valuation criteria of the search services change. Therefore a continuous actualization of the optimization of your web page is important.

Examples of valuation criteria:

  • Relevant contents of the web page (use of search words)
  • META tags (additional information for search machines)
  • Explanation texts of the diagrams
  • Linking of the web page (internal and external)
  • Domain name
  • PAGE climb (a yardstick of Google, which measures the popularity of the web page)

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Internet marketing consultant

Internet marketing is a lucrative business. There are many individuals, who acquire substantial incomes, by selling straight their products or service over the Internet, with at the same time the endorsement of the products or services of other Internet marketers. Incomes flow from different connections by participant programs, the direct selling product or offering Internet marketing into connection standing services. With some characteristics like round operability, opportunity of the widening customers lower surface and low, which begin a costing, it does not surprise the fact that the Internet marketing industry is full from the mushroom business now, which is possessed by the beginners and is worked on, who are eager, the abundance of this lucrative industry to divide. However for a disk of abundance to seize by Internet marketing, you offered must the rigid competition over the market carry. In this rigid competition Internet marketers, who possess, win the knowledge and ability on this kind of the investment the play. The guideline of the Internet marketing play is simple: the guidelines learn and necessary marketing strategies use, in order to win the play. Although you have some web site, which are simple, useful characteristics like complete listing of inventory as well as buying cart service to steer and contain, if it is not capable to produce generous quantity traffic is your Internet marketing career a blackout. To reach career loss to avoid, it is important to possible ones that you look for the assistance of an Internet marketing consultant. One of their company targets are to make available the necessary strategies or touch the situation by even in producing net traffic expressed to its sites. This can be done by different ways such as participant paragraph programs, web page optimization, content development of the net or payment per the clicking announcing. Although as an Internet marketer, you are with the above-mentioned marketing concepts trust, you need sufficient time and expertise to use it at your Internet marketing business. In order to fill the distance above, an Internet marketing consultant has the ability of the use of the necessary strategies around substantial net traffic to establish the increased sales and produced incomes results in. If you have the knowledge and technical expertise over Internet marketing, you can be the career of an Internet marketing consultant beside to also regard an Internet marketer. If you have the marketing background and for other Internet marketing business are so effective, you can serve other Internet marketers as advisors, particularly the new ones. In order to be a successful Internet marketing consultant, you must lead one „inventory of “your Internet marketing abilities and - knowledge. You begin, by out representing your strengths and determine, which certain ranges of Internet marketing you are weak. Of such information will you design a plan, that, to improve to educate itself helps and your weak points. Begin, by preparing in your weaknesses and examining it throughout, in order to determine, if you did not improve or. As soon as you developed your abilities and you believe that you can continue, you are now ready, the career of the internet marketere to embark yourself an Internet marketing consultant. As soon as you are now into up fan genes, prepare always, because you employ numerous clients of the different necessities. You become meet complete beginners as well as ripe veterans on the Internet marketing industry. If you discovered clients coincidentally, who knew nothing about the business and you ask to take loading you must take them under your wing. As an advisor it is your responsibility to make your clients available their necessities whether they are complete beginners or marketing gurus. Your advisor career on or two ranges expertise begin. You can specialize in search engine optimization, circular letter and other Internet marketing strategies. The niche mark, which is with strong and examines you whether you are updated regularly over all possible developments on those certain ranges of expertise. You can do on „to concentrate also try hot niches “you, by seeing your question over main search of engines and to write, what comes afterwards. Its an Internet marketing consultant has the responsibility, which he must concern serving the marketing necessities for its clients. However it takes up healthy human understanding, firm knowledge and benefit, which you do, in order to help other Internet marketers on a long-term basis. If you think, you have the edge over a certain aspect, you can to this advisor direction always go. All these are real up to you to think to approximate.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

SEO is the turbo of arranged Internet marketing

This the idea of arranged Internet marketing, which gets you tons free, constant traffic. The key to success is to use hundreds of the arranged keywords in your Internet marketing. Why? Because keywords are your markets and more markets you cover more business you keep. So simply its on you that you would like one market or one hundred markets. Here are the best points for arranged Internet marketing. Everything optimized, which you write. This is called for example, that, if your page has 500 words and you use from 2 to 3 keywords, each keyword must from 1 to 3% of the quantity of total words on this site represent. Why? Because the search results must use search in some order, for arranged internet marketing. So SE must select which site is No. 1, you must have guidelines, according to which they serve the researchers. Now the 1.000-Euro-Frage, like search Engines in certain order, as if you know, you can numerous the UN position reaches began. Unfortunately or fortunately really anybody do not know the criteria. However in tons of analysis, one is stationed therefore I am completely safe, which they are. And to form Internet marketing aimed, the most effective way is to be promoted, to keyword optimized sites is very important. Simply those think search Engines, if keyword many marks is mentioned, but is important not too many, contents of this side for the researcher of this keyword.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Link Baiting Techniques

One of best and from far most the effective way to win links for your web site or too blogs is link baiting ideas.

What do you mean by link baiting?

This is a new idea, which is carried out by the webmasters, in order to win popularity for their blogs/web page. Like all of you know, attention are weathered to receive an old trick, in the material life or on-line. Politician uses this frequently, in order to remain in the Limelight. This same guideline applies to the websites, which attracts in addition.

There are two different flavors in link baiting, good and bad. The good are those, to of messages first to cause like, scams putting out and cause message, which surprises everyone. Bad one are those, which you cause a controversy or attach somewhat prominent procurement nesses in yours blogs. It does not think that you try, traffic for winning really hurt everyone. These kinds of cheat gets in 1000’s of web site/blogs.

Some Link Baiting Idea’s:

  • Make a valuable resource (lists, special reports, history of, how to, etc.)
  • Interview (e-mail/phone) prominent people and publish it.
  • Build a useful tool
  • Write an interesting article
  • Run a newsworthy ‘event’ such as a contest
  • Test something new that has not been done before
  • Be the first in doing something on the internet
  • Write something controversial
  • Be the first to write the latest news in your niche
  • Be the first to expose a scammer
  • Disagree with an authority
  • Write some funny humor
  • Make an interesting picture
  • Be the first to research and document something
  • Make a theme, plugin or piece of software
  • Make a tool that others can put on their sites but that links to you
  • Make a joke about a known person
  • Make a resource that is just in time for a major event
  • Write an outrageous theory and back it up with logics
  • Write useful comments on something that is happening
  • Give something valuable for free
  • Coin a new acronym in your niche and get people to talk about it
  • Become an expert in your niche and write valuable information

Monday, March 19, 2007

The secrets of Attracting Reveals - The Most Efficient Link Baiting Engineering on the Internet Today

A quantity of people is under the erroneous term the back links, which become the really must exercise. These, which are back connections those, them, believe, them after searches, Unwire and convincing webmasters other web site will be awarded.

Link building does not consist of this tactic alone.

There is such a thing to include like the attracting link, where the quality of your content is enough to invite and credit to the attention of the webmasters. And as such, they would have no choice however with your contents would connect and for your preference connections, which you need, would win the back link.

What is link baiting?

Link baiting is not a difficult concept to understand to. However it can introduce a difficult method to be.

The idea is to set up content sides which have articles, which possess the following characteristics:

1. The articles are to a high degree informative;
2. The articles are well written;
3. The articles engage themselves; and
4. The articles as well as the information seek to convey are singular, and they cannot be found in the World Wide Web somewhere differently

In a way many people came there to assume link baiting is a way of taking other webmasters hostages. You have contents, which they need. You know that they want it badly. But you do not give it to them. Therefore they are left without other remuneration however connection to your web site.

Why link baiting is an effective strategy?

Finally you would want to manufacture an automated system for your on-line business. Now connection partner is hardly continuous manually to exercise with such a goal for automation. You need something, which you can leave for some days after; nevertheless it calmly continues raking in the links those you need.

Link baiting is such a strategy. You will build on the strength of your contents, and there your contents incessant on your web site are accommodated, are always there, ready it, by those whole world to be seen and prepared, by any and all webmasters to be waived forwards, which are interested with the same.

Substantial views in a link building campaign

Link baiting is very much like fish. Instead of a bass to bend however you would bend for links. Others webmasters are the play. Your content is the Lure.

As with fish, the important thing to find a right point. Therefore search engine optimization tactics are still requested. The best way, by which others become webmasters, finds your web site is by the search Engines after all. You must set your web pages in managing positions into the search results of engine.

But this would not be the goal of link baiting: around quality to seize links for a higher side arrange?

Yes and No. you sees, connection attracting is a strategy, which is not only concerned with the receiving of a high photo receptor. It is likewise a strategy, which seeks, to conserve a high photo receptor. A high photo receptor can be won by SEO practice and fixed link building exercise, which are necessary to conserve in order climb your side differently for.

There are many kinds contents, which are excellent connection seal. These are:

* Reporting values of pieces, which divide revolutionary information, which does not convey other web site;
* Humorous entries, those the fair to be spread are requests;
* „as “to the articles, which are always inside demand; and
* Attacks against existing paradigms, which offer a novel perspective on certain faith

Friday, March 16, 2007

Methods Of Social Media optimization: the newest Buzzword to help to you in on-line optimization

We heard some different one over search engine optimization, Internet marketing, email marketing and designate connected with the promotion of a website on the net. And the newest buzzword, which does the circulation, is social central optimization. Search Engine these days is actually taken place increasingly, which in the understanding the different aspects of the social central optimization to hold. Like all other optimization method social means is not optimization anything, which is different, but, the methods, to form to a website on the net popular. The only difference is that there are certain methods, which are used for social central optimization and this in another way are done.

Social central optimization uses some processes, which help in the increase link ability of the website. This is the first priority for doing the social central optimization for each possible website on the net. There is a necessity to constantly change the view and the feeling of the website. Finally who may look and read, the same things win over and over. Like that constant change is that must, to someone to hold tensely to your website and the business with you do. Contents and all this, which are written for the website, must be simply large and surprising to draw visitors and customers to your site.

The idea behind optimization is to tighten traffic to a website there, very salting large traffic, is one the simplest and best way to form website popular in the eyes of all main search engines. Since many write blogs, how you can form your website and make it popular on the net. Setting up contents of your website into a singular way, which facilitates more connections to your site, is also a good way of doing the social central optimization. Using all of these inventive methods for setting up contents of your website can actually in such a way popularize your site on the net.

You can insert contents of your website above into a mobile form, in order to facilitate its fast clearance on the net. The idea can be attained to there many people out as possible within a short over voltage the time and our meaningful information to be given at the same time on-line visitors, who look for information. You can use the information above on your site into a video tie-clip and distribute it on the net, in order to increase the popularity of your website. More yours contents on the net travels, the more number of visitors and links you will get for your website.

webmasters can let the people use their contents, if they give a link to their websites. This is a large way of driving traffic to a website, which you aim to optimize. To make social media optimization effective for the promotion any kind site on the net and it is up to you to introduce this for your site.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Bases of the search Engine optimization and optimization for listings and catalogs

Since the search engines make it possible for humans, fast relevant information to each range of topics to receive, accepted them as ultimate sources of information in the meantime quite dominant factor position in the society. webmasters therefore undertake everything, in order to take profit from it.
According to some studies complex accomplished by renowned institutes, 90 to 95% of all Internet users finds the web pages over the search engines. For the webmasters it means: only who is right at the top positioned with the retrieval queries, this Potential can exhaust and be pleased thus about a continuously rising number of visitors.It is crucial to select the correct search word combinations so that possible qualified visitor, who looked exactly for the products, the information and services, which also offer you, to be addressed to be able.

The Most Important search Engine
There is a large number of search engines on the net. However, only the few become the market leader. Although one can observe today still another certain monopolizing of certain restaurant industries on the Internet, a prime example for this is search engine sector with Google as a market leader, is to be assumed it will give some prominent search engine in the future.

Today each search engine optimization begins with Google. The market research firm Nielsen/Net ratings determined the following order of the most popular search services in the USA for the month of January 2007:

* Google
* Yahoo!

In this connection the optimization strategy for each project is clearly characterized. Since Google is also recognized as an outrider of other search engines, these evaluations are also partially referred into the own valuation criteria. Thus Yahoo evaluates the sites, which are well positioned with Google, repeatedly times above average well.

Ranking, Web Site Positioning with Search Engines

Ranking, what is that?

In search engine term: Ranking = Position

Using well directed optimizing the informational content in your Web page is improved so the spiders, bots (search engine robots) find and index the key words that belong to your page. Thus you obtain better positions in search engines and catalog's.

Of course there are limits. (There is a limited amount of top places per key word :-)). These limits can be circumnavigated using specific measures and approaches making one Web presence more interesting for these robots than other pages.

Please keep in mind: Without a relevant content, good promoting and optimization is not possible.

Relevant information should appear in the Meta Tags within an HTML document. Such information would be the author of the Web page, a short description of the content, the most important key words and when spiders, bots and other electronic crawlers should come by again.

There is a wide quantity of additional properties that can be optimized in a Web page, so that the search engine applications find it interesting or relevant. Search engine robots can be told, for instance, which pages should be indexed and which not. When using frames it should be ensured that a descriptive text is added. This text should describe the contents of the pages displayed in the frames, as many robots will not evaluate the contents of frame pages. Descriptive titles and head lines should also be used. Make sure the Web page is fitted with sufficient content. Content should be available in text form, as only text will be evaluated by the robots.

Why Ranking?

  1. To be ahead of the competition. After all hundred of Web pages are put online on a daily basis.
  2. To lead more users and potential customers to your Web domain.
  3. Because the more hits your domain achieves the better known you and your products become.
  4. Because you want to make sure that your name or your company's name pops up frequently for potential customers. This is called indirect advertising.
  5. To considerably lower your advertising budget. Newspaper or TV ads are expensive!
  6. To increase your name popularity, for prestige.
  7. Because you want to use the Internet to improve your sales.

We will take over this work for you for a fair price. We will position you and your pages in all relevant search engines and monitor the positions you have achieved, so that you will always be informed of where you stand.

Through the optimization we offer, we ensure that the Internet pages of our customers are place in forward positions in search engines and stay there.

We also make sure you are only listed in categories relevant for you and your products, thus improving the Page Rank of your domain.

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Keyword Research and Analysis

Keyword research is one of the most important parts of on-line marketing. Sometimes we do not carry out, straight how much difference form in the entire success of search engine marketing campaign or even in the success of an on-line business. Actually it is my faith that those keyword cliche D designation, which a researcher writes into the Search Engine, if they are on-line business to form or can break. The wrong keyword cliches aim and an on-line business are certain fail.
Area name through even are not no more the most valuable „position “on the Internet keywords are. If you buy a Domain Name and set a web site above, crowds visitors automatically to your web site and do not buy your products. The popular cliche „, if you establish it, which is them “not applicable comes, if it comes to on-line business. You must your web site on-line marked out, and one of the best forms ROIs for an on-line business is by search engine marketing. All search engine marketing campaigns must with a sentence keywords begin. It is those keywords, which are a on-LINE-Geschäft' position, straight a traditional position of the clay brick and mortar memory a physical road address is there.
Position, position, position
If you consider opening a gas station one of the most important decisions, which are referred on the success of the gas station, will be its position. Gas close of a busy highway to sell, in which there is a large traffic census, would be ideal. Like that it is logical to receive the traffic census data for some positions before one decides, where one buys country and your gas station established. In on-line marketing world we have the opportunity to receive traffic censuses as wave the average number of searches for certain keyword cliches per day. By bringing your on-line business in the correct keyword „to positions “in position, your on-line business progresses. The wrong keyword cliches aim and your on-line business receive no search engine traffic, and no possible customers visit your web site.

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Social central optimization - search marketing and social means

The cliche social central optimization, (SMO), became fast industry buzzword in the search marketing circles. The designation refers to practice of in manual work of making, changing or the Vergrösserns in social central's applications such as, my space, or Flicker and by interested parties during blog sphere easily to be found and well divided the profiles, the pictures, the films and other documents.
The crucial goal of each possible marketing campaign is to set products or services before so many interested eyeballs possible. Where the public leads, marketers, by necessity, must follow and if those eyeballs to begin to meet as well as here there feels many marketers the necessity to move. 10 million of the registered members populate dozens of the social nets. Bevölkeren seem to enjoy the ability to form communities and inform. On-line marketers, who search to another attractive scene, therefore turn to the social means areas as social marketing tools. For last five years, the number high traffic scenes for search marketers remained rather the constant and consisted mainly of Google. Recently, the area was supplemented by Yahoo, asks and MSN. In most cases five years agreement the search Engines, their users, on-line buyers and the SEO/webmaster communities promoted. Nothing remains very long static on the Internet. On-line marketing meta verse extended nevertheless again.
People like applications, which form the life more simply. That is, why search is practical somehow part of each application people use on-line. One of the main resemblances of social means, which are nets by nature, them, are over dividing information, normally from a to a high degree personifier criterion. While the theory goes, nobody knows everything, but everyone knows something. Together we must know very much. Where search tools over the users being, which draw information and applications Web2.0 are over the pressure from information to the users, steps social means into the middle soil, by it information to the participants press and others invite, to pull in order information over together used documents.
In a social net large groups of people, which would be differently probable, connect foreigner based with each other on spider net nets of the contacts, friends, pictures, interests and occupations and cause at all extending communities. These communities, established around divided ideas and interests, draw users, by giving, informing them the ability to educate and divide with others.
Google and Yahoo social network connection covered created services into their membership for years, beginning with Yahoo groups and Orkut Googles. Newer products close Flicker (Yahoo), Picasa (Google), Yahoo publisher net and Blogger also (Google). The main search of engines from the lesson learned, which is suffered by the music and the film industry surplus the last decade.
Before approximately eight years the applicable energy distributing energy of the Internet was shown by to equal the same document, which divides nets. When Napster appeared on the scene, the music documents of million people without permission acted general characteristic became practical, over night. Before a similar thing happened the film industry two years with broadband and sharpening Rome. As soon as large enough number of Internet users supplies itself at to a technology, the entrance to the information or to the maintenance, they wish gotten caught, become this technology a tendency. Sometimes tendencies have a way who those of the habit. Social means, which have applications, transited from the tendency to mainstream consumption. Thousands of the new users above my space, Face book, connect in, sign the daily trunks and other community-active nets for Flicker. Consequently have to become the Blogging, which picture parts and new means the content creation moved well over creative geekery and incorporating photo receptor departments outside, in order a transport-global pastime. Now the different a social network witness acquired mass-market popularity there, they represent the treasure of a Pirate for the korporativen photo receptor departments and on-line marketers, which are ready, them to serve.
If go to treasure of troves, is rather simple the world of social means to find; the entrance and beginning, inch the my space membership or a Flicker account work is causing, is as simple as, filling out a simple form. While, a my space profile to establish somewhat more with difficulty as if is, a Flicker briefcase equipping, are both enough simple, so that new users begin immediately. Partly, because social means is to be used so simply and partly because, dividing information, recommendations and the newest outrageousness with friends and strangers same, is 10 million people has populates the social climates with hundreds of million documents so coolly and is enough from the music, from the pictures, from the documents and from the films.
Social means is a cool, hardly controlled climate, in that individual users the immediate communities to form can and friendships on divided interest, inclination and ideas find based. As such climates remain long after the invasion of the barbarians coolly, who are disguised cleverly as marketing experts? That everything depends on how we (the barbarians), which virtual villages we use, move away in.
The problem with the flow each new marketing means is gold rushing mentality of the advertisers immediate, who are early adopting. So recently, as placing without much respect for the completeness of the search results hunted for six or seven years before for example the majority of SEOs. Each possible placing Top10 under each possible given keyword cliche for an individual place of assembly on AltaVista, was stating INFO SEEK and Lycos completely possible, and it had taken place with mercenary eagerness. For around each long-term SEO after the earliest days of the industry and that most ask, if not all show a slow, smartly, fulfilled smile. Then withdraw, everything was black hat. Before PPC paved the way to profitability, the search Engines regarded naturally to SEOs as dangerous enemies.
Similarly Social net workers are not terribly lucky over striking the search marketing radar display screen. By presenting corporative clients too which is accepted, in order to be an opened and not commercial atmosphere, on-line marketing sector decreases glaringly the experience, which is divided among the people, which form the social net. While the months move on, ever more find their way to marketers into places such as my space. For informing with habit manufactured procurement's Schilling label name turn shoes is not, which most social net users signed above.
On the other side of the coin, the people, which populate social nets, are already subjected to announcing. Flag ADS some of my space for over one year and in an agreement, which was signed recently between my space and Google, could ad words ADS were beside, which begin to appear to personal profiles of the my space Mitglieds who've, which was registered with the ad sense program. Film studios, volumes and other implementing have also social means to reach mainly my space, when effective marketing scene uses, in order juvenile consumers. Flicker indicates ADS of the Yahoo, paying sometimes, to search marketing. Announcing is not anything new to the net users, although its inclusion within the ranges or in the formats, to which as not commercial contents would normally be considered, is gerunzelt frequently on the forehead.
The social central climate will be used increasingly as marketing tool regardless of its, which and their millions members believe different social nets over it. Nearly not possibly to affect for a good search marketer actual it to avoid what document one works on, around to receive good placing. In the realm of social means, changes, connections and track backs are simpler to add than, the title, the Metaumbauten, the content text and the connection sample changing. There Internet users toward to the social means gravitieren and therefore, toward too each other, on-line probably announce are, a community and an interest a created focus to be taken.